Pengembangan Sumber Energi Listrik Alternatif Terbarukan untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas dan Aktivitas Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Fisika

  • Festiyed Festiyed Staf Pengajar Jurusan Fisika, FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Desmalinda Desmalinda Guru Fisika SMAN 10 Padang
Keywords: Renewable alternative electric energy sources, Creativity and activities


The material of energy sources and alternative energy, in learning Physics class XII in high school, requires students to be able to understand and obtain learning competencies through direct experience, which is based on the concept of learning by doing. On this occasion, researchers tried to find other alternative renewable energy sources, one of which is cassava mask, with the aim of providing learning experiences to students, discovering and developing creative, innovative ideas and increasing student activity in physics learning, to find other renewable alternative energy sources that are around students. This learning can be done through an inquiry approach with steps: formulating problems, formulating hypotheses, collecting data, testing hypotheses, formulating conclusions. The results showed that by providing material with renewable alternative energy sources from cassava mask, the current strength was generated with one cell 0.7 Volt and the current strength for one cell was approximately 1.5 mA, with a series relationship and the cell line tapai made. those who have been made can turn on the LED lights or check the cellphone. From these results students have creative, innovative ideas and activities to find other alternative sources of electrical energy from ingredients around students. Materials that can be used as alternative energy sources are those containing acids, bases, energy, sugar, salt.
